Site Network

Opened Business

Officially since Sep 26, 2018

Unofficially since Sep 2014

Main Partners


The Hive Company

Sold Business

April 2021

Websites & Projects

Mar 2021
National Small Business Directory

National SBD Site Recovery

This included recovering a site that was down due to neglect from a previous developer by transferring the files to a new host server.

National Small Business Directory

Jan 2021
Site Network

Site Network Site Redesign

This included completely rebuilding the site from scratch, introducing a filterable portfolio "Shop" page, and a blog "Learn" page. Combined Forminator with GeneratePress elements to have an inquiry form auto-populate at the end of all product pages.

Site Network

Dec 2020 - Jan 2021
MelRad Multisport Coaching

MelRad Site Redesign

This included taking stock of existing assets (~75 pages across 2 websites), consolidating content, and copying visual design from one to the other. This was a membership site.

MelRad Multisport Coaching

Dec 2020
Casa De Amigos

Casa De Amigos Site Recovery/Design

This included recovering a site that was down due to neglect from a previous developer, transferring the files to a new host server, and redesigning the site/repopulating the previous content.

Casa de Amigos

Dec 2020
The Hive

The Hive Site Build

This included taking an existing site with layout issues and populating it with the proper content and layout, including user dashboards and auto-ticket creation from form entries.

The Hive

Nov 2020
Christian Pearson

Christian Pearson Site Build

This included hosting and WordPress install. I transferred resume content to site content using a resume theme, including some light graphic design work for image transformation (profile image).

Christian Pearson Resume Site

Mar 2019
Josiah Rambally

Clear Tin Site Build

This is a charity organization putting in infrastructure to rural communities in Bangladesh. I took this build on as a philanthropic project and put their site together by soliciting for photos and details.

Clear Tin

Feb 2019
Susie Furman

True North Immigration Site Redesign

This included recovering a site and making changes required by a regulatory body. Restructure of content and linking to practice management tools.

True North Immigration

Dec 2018
Acheivers Toastmasters

Achievers Site Redesign

This included visual redesign of the site, acquisition of stock imagery from the Toastmasters asset collection, and population of content specific to the club.

Achievers Toastmasters

Jun 2018
Danielle Peloquin

Mental Maintenance Site Build

This included hosting and WordPress install, sourcing a theme and building out content based on information solicited from the client. Linking to booking/practice management tools.

Mental Maintenance

Jun 2018
Robin Combs

Robin's Nest Site Build

This included hosting and WordPress install, sourcing a theme/logo, and building out content based on information solicited from the client.

Robin's Nest Aesthetics & Bodywork

Dec 2017
David Prime

Prime Controls Site Build

This included hosting and WordPress install with a very basic one-page website showcasing a product, its features, with a link to PayPal allowing existing users to pay outstanding invoices.

Prime Controls

Dec 2015
Christian Pearson

Stemist Site Build

This included hosting and WordPress install. I built out a basic personal blog.


Aug 2014 - Aug 2015
Northern Alberta Youth Leadership Project

NAYLP Site Redesign

This included a review of all existing assets on the site, a needs assessment, and complete restructure/build of 3 separate sites for password and non/password access for either committee members, coordinators, and the general public.

NAYLP PublicNAYLP CoordinatorNAYLP Committee

Apr 2015
Csaba Service

Csaba Service Site Build

This is a handy-man website for an independent contractor, which included hosting and WordPress install. I researched and sourced an appropriate theme and filled in placehold content with some details solicited from the client.

Csaba Service Site

Sep 2013 - Sep 2017
Northern Alberta Youth Leadership Project

Internet Manager

Took over managing digital assets for the committee (Google site). This involved centralizing management of the digital assets of the NAYLP committee, as well as a project to organize them which meant separating the single site of resources into 3 separate sites intended for 3 separate audiences.

Business Development History

Apr - Jun 2021
The Hive Company Ltd.

Asset Transfer & Training

Apr 1, 2021
The Hive Company Ltd.

Business Sold

Mar 2021
Site Network Services

Changed Fully to Affiliate Profit Model

Feb 2021
Site Network Services

Listed Business For Sale

Jan 3, 2021
Site Network Services

Site Redesign

Jan 1, 2021
SkillJet Academy

Course: Boost SEO using Schema Markup

Dec 30, 2020
Astra (for Agencies)

Sourced Tool/Partner for Product Expansion

Oct 1, 2020

Started Selling on Fiverr

Aug 2020

Sourced Partner

Feb 2020

Sourced Lead List for Marketing Exploration

Jan 2020
Adobe Acrobat Pro

Sourced Tool for Service Exploration

Oct 2019
Paid Memberships Pro

Sourced Tool for Product Expansion

Oct 2019

Started Donating to Kiva

Sep 2019

Sourced Tool for Marketing

Sep 2019
Microsoft Office 365

Sourced Tool for Centralization

Sep 2019

Succulent Rebrand

Aug 2019
Akismet Anti-Spam

Sourced Tool for Product Expansion

Jun 2019

Sourced Tablet for Marketing Concept

Apr 2019

Sourced Books for Business Development

Jan 2019

Sourced Tool for Security

Nov 2018
ExtendThemes - Materialis Pro

Sourced Tool for Service Expansion

Sep 2018
Site Network Services

Registered Owner

Jun 2018 - Sep 2019
Mimi Vanderheide

Mastermind Group

March 2018
Nurul Ismiati

Initial Rebrand

Aug 2016

Became a User Tester

Feb 2015

Sourced Partner for Product/Service Creation

Feb 2015
From Simple Cloud Works

Inherited Website

Sep 2014 - May 2015
Simple Cloud Works

Junior Web Developer

Inactive Projects

Feb 2019
Kevin Braun

Walter's Upholstery

This included hosting and WordPress install, and building out content based on information solicited from the client, who was a local upholsterer.

Jul 2018
Mimi Vanderheide

Peace Country Coaching

I worked with a friend of mine to build a website for her fledgling life coaching business.

Jun 2018
Krystal Anderson-Gosselin

Unicorn Dilemma

My creative friend started a blog on creativity and business development for artists, which I built for her!

Jun 2018
Core Office Solutions

Core Office Solutions Site Build

I worked with a friend of mine to build a website for a new office management company she was starting as a sole proprietor at the time.

Aug 2017
Special Event Catering

Special Event Catering Site Build

This was my first "real" client. Included sourcing a web host and domain name, with WordPress install. We built a catering website together using free tools/themes.

Mar 2017
Club Bilingue Toastmasters

Club Bilingue Site Build

I took on a site build for this club as part of my PR role with them.

Jan 2016
Veronika Pataki

CV Real Site Build

This was a website built for a friend's mother's investment company.

Feb 2015

Alberta's Finest Site Build

Worked with a contact from university on a basic website using free tools and themes.